My homemade 'Granola' (Healthy & Yummy Snacks). I'm going to be honest with you - I didn't start making making granola because it's healthier than store bought. I make Homemade Granola - or Muesli as some Aussies know it - using a formula. I could talk you through it, but it's much easier just to show you. ↓↓↓.
Basic (but very good) granola requires just a handful of ingredients: oats, a sweetener, some oil, and maybe nuts or dried fruit.
This recipe will give you granola with a familiar level of sweetness, but you can reduce the honey and oil by as much as half and still have excellent.
Follow this recipe to learn how to make easy and healthy homemade granola.
Kamu dapat harus My homemade 'Granola' (Healthy & Yummy Snacks) menggunakan 9 bahan dan 6
Langkah. Inilah cara kamu masak itu.
Bahan-Bahan My homemade 'Granola' (Healthy & Yummy Snacks)
- Siapkan 4 cups , rolled oats (oats yg besar/ gandum utuh, bkn yg instant).
- Siapkan 1 cup , buah kering (saya pakai apel).
- Siapkan 1 cup , kismis.
- Siapkan 1/4 cup , gula palm.
- Siapkan 1/4 cup , selai kacang (saya pakai 'Skippy' creamy).
- Siapkan 1/4 sdt , garam.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt , kayu manis bubuk.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt , vanilla extract.
- Siapkan 1/2 cup , minyak sayur.
If you love granola, you need to try this easy recipe, much healthier than store. A homemade healthy Granola recipe that is incredibly easy to make and perfect for a quick breakfast or snack idea. This granola is the most basic of bases, perfect for all your favorite mix-ins. I'm really feeling the simplicity vibes lately.
Cara pembuatan My homemade 'Granola' (Healthy & Yummy Snacks)
- Panaskan oven dengan suhu 160C, api atas bawah selama 10-15 menit..
- Campur semua bahan di atas secara berurutan ke dalam mangkuk, aduk dgn spatula sampai rata..
- Tuang ke atas loyang datar yg sdh dialas dgn aluminium foil agar granola tidak lengket di loyang ketika dipanggang nanti..
- Masukkan ke dalam oven yg sdh dipanaskan tadi dan panggang di rak tengah selama 50 menit, jangan lupa aduk-aduk setiap 15 menit sekali agar matang, kering, dan coklat keemasan merata..
- Setelah matang, keluarkan dari dalam oven dan dinginkan pada suhu ruang. Kemudian tuang dan simpan di toples tertutup..
- Note: jika tdk memiliki takaran cup, bisa menggunakan gelas belimbing. Granola dlm toples bisa disimpan selama seminggu pd suhu ruang dan sebulan dalam freezer. Enjoy moms :)).
No fuss, no muss, no mile-long grocery list of ingredients. Just good simple granola with a kiss of natural sweetness. I love homemade granola because it's so easy to make, lasts forever when stashed in the fridge, and tastes wonderful on thick Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey. Healthy homemade granola that's crunchy, chunky, full of flavor, and just sweet enough. Swap out the nuts & add your favorite mix-ins.